(Please choose your package 'extras' from these options or you can purchase them separately.)
•Horizontal Navbar links $50
•Custom Blog Button W/Grab Box $25 -A cute image that others can copy/put on their blogs!
•Sidebar Profile Picture $25
•Custom Blog Blinkie $30 -An animated blog button
•Social Networking Buttons $40-Cute buttons that link to your social sites!
•Custom Sidebar/Post Title Fonts $30 -Uses cute custom fonts instead of standard Blogger fonts for your titles!
•Custom Post Signature $20 -Your name/or saying that will appear after each blog post.
•Custom Post Divider $20 -An image that will appear after each blog post.
•Custom Sidebar Divider $20 -An image that will appear after each gadget on your sidebar.
•Custom Post Title Image $20 -Places little image next to your blog post title!
•Custom Favicon $20 - A custom icon that will appear in the window tab
•Sidebar Title Images (up to 6) $50 -Coordinating buttons for your sidebar titles.
•Custom Watermark $35 - Image for you to 'brand' your photos with.
•'Pin It' button $20 - adds a Pinterest 'pin it' button to the bottom of each post.
•'Scroll to Top' Widget $20
•Post Footer Social Buttons $50
•Facebook hover like button $20
•Pinterest sidebar widget $20
•Instagram sidebar widget $20

(These options can be added to your order at the listed prices or purchased separately.)
•Custom Blog Background $60 -A custom background to give your blog some personality!
•Custom Blog Header $60 -A custom header designed to your taste by us!
•Custom Facebook Timeline Cover $35 (cute banner for your Facebook page/timeline!)
•Custom Twitter Header $35
•Custom YouTube Header $35
•Custom Google Plus Header $35
•Custom High Resolution Logo Design $170 -A custom designed logo for your blog/business etc.
•Business Card Design (must order logo if you want a logo on your card) $70
•Custom Twitter Background $35
•Custom Etsy Banner $35
•Custom Etsy Avatar $20